
Invergo – a coffee machine with a manual brewing method


Real, perfect, intoxicating and fragrant coffee has been a challenge for centuries, because there is always something that could be a little better in terms of taste, smell or aroma.

One of the last to face this challenge is Kickstarter project Invergo coffee machine. The masterminds say it is Invergo the easiest way to the best coffee.

Manual coffee brewing methods they are again coming to the fore, as the process itself can be completely controlled and personalized, everyone can make coffee to their own taste. With Inverg, he decided to optimize and automate the manual method of "pour over" coffee Cameron Hughes.

Behind Invergo lies an interesting story about a high school student To Cameron Hughes, who walked every day to school in Manhattan, and a cup of coffee was his only consolation. The most fragrant and intoxicating was cooked for him in a small cafe on 20th Street. The "science" of this aromatic cup was hidden in "pour-over" coffee, which became his passion. While still a student, he began to develop a device that would allow just about anyone to brew a perfect cup of coffee. The prototype is here, it's called Invergo and is currently collecting points on Kickstarter.

Invergo is a completely flexible device and promises to do better a cup (or carafe) of coffee, as it adapts to the user to brew coffee exactly to their taste. And how does Invergo differ from its competition? Classic coffee machines do not pour all the coffee evenly during operation, which is reflected in the bitter taste. The Autospout at Invergo ensures that all coffee is evenly permeated with water, which is reflected in the pleasant taste. One of the most important factors in brewing coffee is temperature constancy. Only a few coffee machines are supposed to achieve this. Invergo has a built-in precision water heater that maintains a consistent temperature throughout. Invergo is also unique in that it can be used to fill just one cup or even a carafe. By pressing a special button, Invergo also serves us cold brewed coffee.

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