
IPPAwards - iPhone Photography Awards 2015 winning photos

The winning photos of the 2015 iPhone Photography Awards

For the 9th consecutive year, iPhone has announced the winners of the iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAwards) 2015, which is aimed at amateur and professional photographers. At the same time, the competition is a eulogy for Apple's smart devices, as the videos submitted to the address of this technological giant as part of the competition are truly exceptional. We have selected the best photos from individual categories that will leave you speechless.

Apple recently handed out photography awards to his already 9. awards iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAwards). The only condition for participation was that the photo was taken either with a smartphone iPhone, tablet iPad or players iPod and that no photos are digitally processed in a graphics program. But in the spirit of the competition, use was logically allowed iOS apps.

READ MORE: The best photos taken with the iPhone 6 smartphone

Check winning photos and let someone else say that the iPhone is not a real camera.

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