
Did Ikei really succeed in the first "wireless" bungee jump?

Exercise with magnetic suit and magnetic field.

Ikea surprises again. After furniture that enables wireless charging, as part of the promotion of its home equipment, it decided on the daring project of the world's first wireless bungee jump. The idea of jumping without bungee cords sounds scary, and the Swedes apparently even succeeded in jumping with the help of magnets. The humorous documentary works so authentically that it will fool many people, although in theory such a leap is actually possible.

At an advertising agency DDB Brussels have decided on a rather controversial promotion Ikea's home equipment that enables wireless charging of smartphones. In a comedy documentary or mockumentary have extended the trend of wireless technology to the field of extreme sports. And as if bungee jumping wasn't enough of an adrenaline rush on its own, Ikea made it even more exciting. The three-minute clip is so convincing and the experiment scientifically so well explained that it seems they are wireless bungee jumps really possible. And what did they use instead of elastic? Magnets and magnetic fields.

Exercise with magnetic suit and magnetic field.
Exercise with magnetic suit and magnetic field.

He became the first person to perform a wireless bungee jump Damien Guette, who threw himself from a height of 61 meters.

READ MORE: Ikea: furniture for wireless smartphone charging

Reactions to the video are somewhat mixed. On one side, people were praising innovation of the Swedish furniture giant, on the other hand, the experiment was met with criticism, saying that it was pointless and prank. Many have confirmed that, at least in theory, it is not a scam physics experts, who said yes a wireless jump is theoretically possible. What do you say? Well, one thing is certainly true. One day we may really be able to jump without bungee cords, but today we can already wirelessly charge smart devices. Also with furniture from Ikea. This is a fact.

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