
Is your child an old soul?

The fact is that old souls are born old. This is also why they can be discovered at an extremely early age.

Be yours the toddler seems different from others. Do you feel as if he knows and knows certain things as if he has known them for eternity? Then it is very likely that it is old soul.

It is often children who impart some wisdom that adults cannot explain. It seems to us that they know things from past lives. That they know things that no one has told them about. Such children are often labeled as introverted (shut in) or rebellious. They are often unable to participate in normal activities at school and kindergarten. Usually these children are very intelligent and extremely curious. They see the meanings of the things they their teachers they can't. They see through certain meanings and the whole picture. This is also why they often resist social norms and society labels them as problematic.

If you can talk to your child as if you were an older adult, then it's quite possible that you were destined to be an old soul.


You also often see one of these 10 unusual signs that you are an old soul. Check!

Do you feel like you don't belong in this century?
Do you feel like you don't belong in this century?

1. See the big picture?

Old souls have life wisdom and see the world from a bird's eye view. When they encounter a problem, they perceive it as just another test in life that will lead them to new insights. Many times they are not interested in trivial details like job promotions, bigger TV…

2. You are not a materialist?

Old souls do not get attached to the material world and the world that is transitory. That's why they are often not interested in what's new when there's a new version of a smartphone. They often don't chase things that show material status and spend more money indulging in hedonism.

3. Are you a loner?

Old souls do not have similar interests to those around them, so they can often be described as loners. This is one of the biggest problems for old souls. They find it difficult to find a common language with most people. And that is why they are often lonely.

4. Do you love knowledge, wisdom and truth?

Old souls know that knowledge is power, wisdom is happiness and truth is freedom. They therefore shape their lives around these principles. That's why they don't care about trivial things. This is also why others perceive them as extremely intellectual beings.

5. Do you respect spirituality and believe?

Do you respect spirituality and believe?
Do you respect spirituality and believe?

Old souls have a sensitive and spiritual nature. They are trying to overcome their ego, they are looking for enlightenment and the meaning of life. They receive and give love and find it the most meaningful use of their time.

6. Are you aware of the transience of life?

Old souls are keenly aware of the transience of life, not only their own, but also those around them. This awareness also dictates how they live their lives.

7. Are you deep and thoughtful?

Old souls have the ability to learn from their mistakes and know that life is the greatest school. One of the reasons old souls feel old is because they learn from their mistakes. Their main focus is thinking about things and that is why they are very deep and thoughtful.

8. Even as a child, you were different and detached from your surroundings.

The fact is that old souls are born old. This is also why they can be discovered at an extremely early age. It is often children who impart some wisdom that adults cannot explain. It seems to us that they know things from past lives. That they know things that no one has told them about. Such children are often characterized as introverted (withdrawn) or rebellious. They are often unable to participate in normal activities at school and kindergarten. Usually these children are very intelligent and extremely curious. They see the meaning of things their teachers cannot. They see through certain senses and the whole picture. This is also why they often resist social norms and society labels them as problematic. If you can talk to your child as if you were an old person, then it is quite possible that fate has assigned you an old soul.

9. Old souls feel old.

Have you ever caught yourself saying that you feel old? You have feelings that the world around you is a non-transparent chaos. You are tired of it. Then this is a sign that you are an old soul. When your insides simply tell you that you are old.

10. You wish you lived in another time.

You wish you lived in another time.
You wish you lived in another time.

Many old souls feel as if they are not living in the right time. That they would be happier somewhere else along the line of time. Have you ever had this feeling?

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