
What your sleeping position says about you

Each of us has a favorite sleeping position in which he falls asleep more easily and soundly than in others. Various researches basically reveal the six most common sleeping positions, but it is interesting that the position in which we sleep says a lot more about us and our personality than we would think...


The fetal position is the one in which a person falls asleep with legs and arms bent, curled on side. It is the most common sleeping position, which is popular especially among women. People who sleep in such a position may be outside reserved or shy, but they are actually warm people who are good at heart and compassionate. It is also about people who are more prone to worry and therefore look for a sense of comfort and security in such a situation.

A log

The position of a log or log is that in which a man fall asleep on your side, with your arms by your side and your legs straight, i.e. lying completely straight. That's the kind of people they are relaxed, sociable and they easily establish contacts with strangers, although they can also be among the more stubborn and inaccessible ones.


The position of the yearning is that in which man fall asleep on his side with his arms extended forward (as if longing for something or wanting to catch something) and with outstretched legs. There are people like that all the time on the hunt for new challenges and are open to opportunities. At the same time, it is about people who are prone to cynicism, but they firmly stand behind their decisions.

READ MORE: How to become a morning person

What position do you prefer to fall asleep in?
What position do you prefer to fall asleep in?

A soldier

People who fall asleep in the soldier's position are sleeping on your back, with your legs together and your arms by your side. It's about outside quiet and reserved individuals, who don't make drama out of anything, are considered organized and have high standards for themselves and the people around them.

Free fall

The free fall position applies to people who they sleep on their stomachs, with their hands by their head, which is turned to one side (like falling down in free fall). Such people may be loud on the outside, but their skin is thin, that's why they have a hard time taking criticism at their own expense. It is also about individuals who can quickly be thrown off track by things and who feel that they do not have enough control over their lives.

Sea Star

People fall asleep in the starfish position on your back with your legs extended and your arms not by your side. Such people are considered good friends and listeners, who are always ready to help. "Starfish" individuals they don't like to be the center of attention too much, but they are open to what life brings them.

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