
What children in different parts of the world eat for breakfast

Although baked eggs, toasted bread and muesli or cornflakes are something we take for granted and we can't even imagine breakfast without fattening dishes, many foreign children would be absolutely horrified by such a breakfast.

In Japan, children start the day with boiled rice and natto soy porridge, in Jamaica they cannot imagine breakfast without peanut butter, in New Zealand they cover the toast with a kind of vegetable pate, in Amsterdam with chocolate crumbs, and in Cuba children already drink coffee.

Saki Suzuki, 2 years old, Tokyo

Japanese breakfast
Japanese breakfast

Saki starts the day with a bowl of steamed rice, natto soy sauce, miso soup, pickles, tamagoyaki egg omelette, and grilled salmon.

Doga Gunce Gursoy, 8 years old, Istanbul

Great Dane
Great Dane
Dog's breakfast
Dog's breakfast

Doga cannot imagine breakfast without cream cheese and honey, and the menu usually also includes olives, baked eggs, hot sucuk sausage, butter, hard-boiled eggs, various cheeses, fresh vegetables and various dips.

Nathanaël Witschi Picard, 6, Paris

Nathanaëlol breakfast
Nathanaëlol breakfast

When Nathanaël starts the day at his father's, for breakfast he usually chooses between fruit, tartine, baguette with butter and homemade jam, cereal with milk and orange juice. During the weekend, he is also allowed to eat a sweet croissant and a pancake with chocolate spread.

Emily Kathumba, 7, Malawi

Emily's breakfast
Emily's breakfast

Emily's breakfast consists of corn porridge phala, fried corn, onion, garlic and chilli pancakes, boiled sweet potato and hibiscus tea. When she is allowed, she also has a cup of sweet black tea. Emily is lucky because half of Malawian children are malnourished.

Birta Gudrun Brynjarsdottir, 3 years old, Reykjavik

Birta's breakfast
Birta's breakfast

Birta's breakfast consists of hafragrautur porridge, topped with maple syrup and a splash of lysi fish oil, which gives her plenty of vitamin D.

Viv Bourdrez, 5, Amsterdam

Chocolate sprinkles
Chocolate sprinkles

For Viv, breakfast consists of a glass of milk and bread with butter and sweet sprinkles.

Aricia Domenica Ferreira, 4 years, and
Hakim Jorge Ferreira Gomes, 2 years, São Paulo

Aricia and Hakim
Aricia and Hakim
Brazilian breakfast
Brazilian breakfast

White coffee and a sandwich with butter, ham and cheese is the favorite breakfast of the two upstarts.

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