
What to do to make it easier to get over a person who gets on your nerves

What to do to make it easier to get over a person who gets on your nerves

Are you annoyed by a colleague, superior, maybe mother-in-law? What can you do to make it easier to get over a person who gets on your nerves? We meet many people every day and it is logical that some of them get on our nerves. What can you do to stop them from drinking your blood and make meeting them more bearable? Is it best to just avoid them, is it best to pretend? Neither one nor the other is the best solution. Here are three principles that will help you get over a person who gets on your nerves and with whom you want to have as little as possible to deal with.

Running away from problems is the worst, because sooner or later we get caught. This also applies to the question of what to do to get over a person who gets on your nerves. Of course, it would be easiest if you could avoid him, but as pretending it is tiring and not always possible. So please consider the following three principles, which will make it easier for you to get over a person who gets on your nerves.

READ MORE: A real-life Romeo and Juliet who met on Snapchat

Does anyone really get on your nerves? Read the easiest way to get rid of it.
Does anyone really get on your nerves? Read the easiest way to get rid of it.

What can you do to make it easier to get over a person who gets on your nerves?

The principle of simplicity

With people who get on your nerves and with whom you want to have as little as possible to deal with, do not start topics from your private life. Don't share details from your everyday life with them, stick to topics like weather, movies, shows, sports, sales, etc. Be short and to the point so that you can end the conversation at any moment and move on.

Sharing compliments

Flattery is the fastest way to soften a person. This is how we disarm him, if the feelings are mutual, that is, you both get on each other's nerves, but the situation dictates that you have to say a word or two, thereby putting yourself in a superior position and appearing "smarter". The choice of compliment is not so important, because each type electrifies the situation and causes the defensive walls of the "adversary" to fall, and he has no choice but to become at least a fraction friendlier and more tolerable. But do not use the technique of realism, i.e. describing and singing praises at length. Be short like dashes and not like Dostoyevsky's novels.

Sometimes the situation does not allow for avoidance. Then it is best to use one of the listed methods.
Sometimes the situation does not allow for avoidance. Then it is best to use one of the listed methods.

Set a boundary

It is easiest if we limit the time of the conversation from the beginning. It is best to do this if you start it with the words: "I know you are very busy" or "I am just on my way to a meeting, can I..." or "Unfortunately, we have very little time because...". You got it, right? This way, you will be able to deal with the person you want to deal with as quickly as possible, without coming across as rude.

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