
How do we alleviate facial redness in autumn and winter?

Facial redness

Do you know how to reduce facial redness in autumn and winter? Sudden temperature differences, cold and wind can leave traces on our face in the form of annoying facial redness. If you would like to avoid unpleasant facial redness in autumn and winter, read on, as we have prepared some simple tips on how to alleviate facial redness in the cold seasons...

Every season has its own charm. Autumn and winter, in addition to fragrant delicacies and enjoyment of nature, also bring sudden temperature differences, cold and wind, which leave traces in the form of facial redness, cracked capillaries and cracked skin. To avoid unpleasant facial redness this winter, follow these simple tips to get rid of redness without expensive laser procedures.

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Consultation with a dermatologist

The first step to redness-free skin is certainly a consultation with a dermatologist, who should determine that the disturbing redness is not the result of a disease.


Use a sunscreen every day that should contain soothing ingredients like green tea and licorice root to calm breakouts.

Moisturizing cream

Indoor heating and bad weather conditions dry out the skin, so in winter you should replace your moisturizer with a richer and more nourishing one. For even better results, store the cream in the refrigerator and make sure it does not contain alcohol.


Take care of sufficient hydration and drink at least eight glasses of liquid a day. Also, avoid smoking, which reduces blood flow and destroys the skin from the inside, and drinking alcoholic beverages, which further contribute to skin dryness and sensitivity.

Taking a shower

Avoid showering with very hot water and showering excessively. Also, avoid cleaning products that contain alcohol, as these remove the protective layer of lipids from the body that protect our skin.


Shave only with care gels and foams that protect and nourish the skin. Shaving without protective products increases skin sensitivity and the possibility of facial redness.

Soothing cucumbers

Treat your face to a cucumber slice face mask every now and then. Cut the cucumber into slices and spread them over your face. Cucumbers will reduce redness in 20 minutes.

Avoid certain foods

Facial redness can also be the result of eating certain foods. If you want to avoid it, try to eliminate very hot and strongly spicy dishes, pork, wine, beer, sugar, coffee and artificial colors from your menu.

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