
How to wear a scarf in a hundred and one ways

101 ways to wear a scarf

Do you know how to wear a scarf this fall and winter? The question is relevant not only from a practical point of view, but also from a fashion point of view. This season, the scarf is not only an iron part of the autumn/winter wardrobe, but also a must-have fashion accessory. That's why it's good to see how we can wear it in a hundred and one ways.

A joke can be worn in a hundred and one ways. But only a few master more than three. And if you thought it was just a joke winter supplement, is the fact that today we are already wrapping ourselves in it in autumn. There are two reasons. One is to us pleasantly warm, others, yes suits all styles of clothing. No wonder, then, that wearing a scarf is all the rage this fall, and not just for practical reasons.

READ MORE: Fashion trends 2015: This fall will be all about suede

Check, how to wear a scarf in a hundred and one ways, to brighten up your clothes, become means of expression and emphasized the desired characteristics.

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