
How the perfect male body has changed over the last century and a half

The ideal male figure

Beauty ideals have changed throughout history. What was the beauty ideal 150 years ago is no more today. Beauty, in this case external appearance, is always influenced by several factors, the way of life and the view of cultures on the concept of beauty. Humans constantly strive to be beautiful and admired. After all, we are visual creatures. Check out how the perfect male body has changed over the past 150 years.

The view of beauty has changed throughout history. Today is the perfect male body (at least by western standards) the kind with chiseled muscles. But if we go back in time a little, there was neither a ghost nor a hearing about chiseled abdominal and pectoral muscles. Let's just move 150 years into the past and the perfect male body is today "give a punch" (figure with a beer belly). American artist Nickolay Lamm has put male beauty ideals into 3D models so that we can more plastically imagine what they are like body ideals have ruled for the last century and a half.

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Standards are set very high these days.
Standards are set very high these days.

The concept of a perfect body is a reflection of the social and cultural conditions of the time. It is influenced by many factors. From food availability, economic conditions, dominant culture, priorities, etc. In poorer times, therefore, the ideal of beauty was a slightly rounder and rounder-faced man, as this showed that he was taller social position. This gave the impression that he was not living hand to mouth and could afford more. Today, men, like women, are subjected to much more unrealistic expectations, which require a lot of investment in the body. You can see how we got there below, where we present to you how the perfect male body has changed over the last century and a half.

How the perfect male body has changed over the last century and a half:

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