
Like mother, like daughter: proof that every daughter turns into her mother

Like mother, like daughter

They say that if a man wants to know what a woman will look like when she's a little older, all he has to do is look at her mother. The truth is not far from that. When you see the following photos comparing the faces of daughters and their mothers, you will see that this is not just a saying, but a fact.

"Take a good look at me. This is how you can expect your chosen one to look like in a few years," one mother told her future son-in-law. Although sometimes this is hard to see and even harder to believe, the following series of photos is proof, it cannot be avoided. Every daughter sooner or later (seemingly) turns into her mother.

READ MORE: 17 signs that your mom is the best mom in the world

They are often daughters the mirror of their mothers at a younger age, and by looking at their mother they can see into their future. The apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

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