
What would be the flag of planet earth?

Flag of planet Earth

Although it sounds utopian that one day the world will be ruled by only one government and all the inhabitants of the Earth will be "fellow citizens", the idea is not so far-fetched. Namely, when we look at the matter from a little further, and we mean physically further, i.e. from space, and when we throw in the progress in technology, it no longer sounds like a romantic idea. Imagine that there are countless habitable planets and planets with life out there. And then the planets become what we call countries today. Will humans then come together and present themselves as citizens of the Earth? If so, what would our flag be, i.e. the flag of planet Earth? Check.

What would she be like flag of planet earth? It may be an abstract idea and thinking, but as we penetrate deeper and deeper into space and with new technology again and again we relativize distances and time, looks like we'll have to think about that soon, too. So who are we. "Only" citizens of individual countries or citizens of Earth. What flag will the astronauts plant when they land on the newly discovered planet? What wouldn't be nice if instead of individual countries fooled like Earthlings, that everything would take place under the banner of planet Earth?

Is this the future flag of planet earth?
Is this the future flag of planet earth?

Because sooner or later someone out there will join us and then we'll probably be forced to start introducing ourselves under a common flag, not like the USA, the EU, Russia or China, at least not if we don't want to be just a pawn in the game of other planets. Then it will be necessary to step together as the human race and divided we will only be vulnerable. We must show ourselves as exemplary and trustworthy beings. This will not be easy, as we will probably discover extraterrestrial life sooner than reconcile ourselves. Well, maybe we just watch a little too much sci-fi movies and don't believe in it enough humanity.

READ MORE: On Earth, but as if from another planet - photos of the most incredible places in the world

This is how it will be during the holidays.
This is how it will be during the holidays.

And yet. Oskar Pernefeldt thoroughly elaborated the idea of the planet Earth as a "country", which he packaged under the project The International Flag of Planet Earth. In the video, he explained why he used the design as it is, and in the photo gallery you will be able to see how he would have done it flag of the Council worked out in practice. So on astronaut suits, stuck on an alien planet in the style of the American flag on the moon, on spaceships, in an interplanetary race like a fan banner, etc. He chose the blue color because it is, after all, about the blue planet, because water gives him life, white circles and represent seven continents and they remind us to stay united. At the same time they represent a flower, thus symbolizing life on Earth. The resemblance to the Olympic rings is purely coincidental.


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