
What color are these flip flops? A phenomenon that separates the web like a dress!

What color are these flip flops?

Not again! Do you still remember how a white-gold or blue-black dress divided internet users a little over a year ago? Something similar is happening now with these flip flops! Some people see gold-white, others gold-blue, and still others blue-black flip-flops. What color combination do you see them in?

What color are these flip flops? After the euphoria over a dress that people couldn't possibly unite around, or it white and gold or blue and black, just lay down, a new debate of this kind was created by a Portuguese Twitter user Falsiana, except that they are flip flops replaced the dress.

This dress is now being separated by flip-flops.
This dress is now being separated by flip-flops.

The latter published a photo of flip flops and asked followers to tell her what color they were. A seemingly silly question, but as with the dress, it turned out to be a phenomenon, and yes there is no single answer.

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What color are these flip flops?
What color are these flip flops?

As a result, it has become fast among online users started a fight, which she ignited this time as well optical illusion. So history repeats itself, even though it is already known, what color are flip flops really. People are most inclined to the gold and white combination, while the fewest people see flip-flops as black and blue. What do you see? flip flops with white-gold syndrome or blue and black dresses? The photo below is the manufacturer's photo (Havaianas), who confirmed that flip-flops are … (see below for the answer).

Manufacturer's photo of flip flops that separate. Is it any clearer to you now which color combination it is?
Manufacturer's photo of flip flops that separate. Is it a bit clearer to you now which color combination it is?

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... a combination of blue and dark blue.

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