Thought ice cream was the only thing served in a cone? Not if you order from Dayne Levinrad, who serves you coffee in a cone. And when you're done with the latter, you can "finish off" the cornet in peace of mind. Check out why coffee in a cone will also be on your wish list!
You always wanted to drinking coffee from a sweet cone? Your answer is most likely yes. Who wouldn't want to combine the three best things in life- coffee, cone and chocolate? He was also aware of this Dayne Levinrad, which caused euphoria with coffee in a cone. Because of her, people from all over the world flock to the cafe The Grind Coffee Company, which is located in Johannesburg South Africa.
READ MORE: What does the taste of ice cream say about you?
According to Levinrad, most guests take a photo of the coffee in an unusual cup and a photo equipped with it before enjoying it #coffeeinacone post on Instagram. It has already done this to date over a million users! Culinary innovation is Levinrad patented, and coffee is served in an "insulated" cone, which is guaranteed to be waterproof four layers of chocolate. However, this coffee does not hold indefinitely, so it is better to drink the coffee in ten minutes, otherwise the conical cup may start to leak.
Coffee in a cone:
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