
LAJKA - society for the protection and assistance of animals in need

Lajka is a Ljubljana association for the protection of those creatures who are unable to protest when they are not treated well and who do not know how to write indignant letters. Today, animals are still too often the victims of human cruelty, and the Lajka association, through its work with discarded and abandoned animals, makes us aware that all creatures are worthy of life and good treatment. Of course, we can also help society and animals in various ways!

Society for the protection and assistance of animals in need Laika was founded in 2008. Since then, with a lot of effort, they have managed to ensure a happy ending for well over two hundred abandoned and abandoned animals, who found them new homes with loving owners.

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The society believes that it is possible to retrain just about any animal.
The society believes that it is possible to retrain just about any animal.

With their good will, the members of the association make people aware that they are even found animals deserve the same treatment as purebred pets. The association believes that it is it is possible to retrain just about any animal, which means that animals adopted from the shelter are also capable of education, socialization and are equally loving - even if they may have never received love before coming to the shelter. Of course, the Lajka association also wants to raise the personal responsibility of individuals, because it is up to us whether we will act in accordance with morality (and also the law) and report the torturer to the competent institutions when we observe torture or abuse of animals. Many times we are full of excuses such as "it's none of my business..." and "it's better not to interfere...", but in reality we only lack courage.

The members of the Lajka Society help to make the world friendlier to animals with their time and energy or monetary contributions.
The members of the Lajka Society help to make the world friendlier to animals with their time and energy or monetary contributions.

If we are sure that our best animal friends are worthy of all the love they so selflessly give back to us, we can also help the Lajka Society ourselves. How? There are three possibilities.

1. We can accept a puppy, kitten, bunny or any other creature looking for a home into our home.
Members of the association publish information on all animals that they ensure are in good health and mostly also vaccinated and castrated. on the website and daily on their Facebook page.

2. We can become active members.
Active members help with surrendering animals, look for responsible owners, take dogs for walks, point out animal cruelty... - in short, for the well-being of animals in the shelter they invest their time and energy with the firm belief that so they make the world a little kinder to all beings.

3. We can become supporting members.
Supporting members help the association with contributions according to their financial capabilities, which should be sent to: LAJKA, association for the protection and assistance of animals in need, Cesta v Mestni log 33, Ljubljana, Delavska hranilnica dd, Ljubljana, no. account: 61000-0001324494. Castrations and sterilizations of animals, vaccinations, treatments and, of course, food are paid for from these contributions.

Puppies and kittens are primarily looking for a new home.
Puppies and kittens are primarily looking for a new home.

Info Box

LAJKA, society for the protection and assistance of animals in need, Cesta v Mestni Log 33, 1000 Ljubljana

telephone 041 446 085, email info@lajka.org

Website of the association: www.lajka.org

Society Lajka on Facebook 

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