
Ice sculptures and patterns created by cars

Cars covered in snow and ice

A frozen or snowy car can cause quite a few headaches. Frozen windows, frozen lock, frozen door. Cold, snow and ice are an inconvenience for the car, but sometimes they make sure that they create the right works of art on it. Yes, some cars can be real artistic souls.

Who would have thought it was a car you can an artist. All he needs is the cold, some water or snow and they are already here icy or snow art, made by the car while it was waiting for you in the parking lot.

READ MORE: This is how they plow snow in Russia

Amazing pattern on glass.
Amazing pattern on glass

The next morning, when you bend over frosted glass, snow cover and 'glued' doors, you better take a good look before you start scraping and cleaning, maybe your horse has been creative overnight.

Gallery - Ice sculptures and patterns created by cars:

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