
Leica in paper guise

The iconic brand Leica has released a limited edition of 25 cameras dressed in a unique skin made of, believe it or not, paper! It is an extremely durable and resistant Fedrigoni paper that brings an exciting experience.

White Leica X2 will dazzle in its fresh look, perfected to the last detail. Although it feels delicate and fragile, it is a custom made paper layer "Constellation Jade" recognized Italian brands Fedrigoni completely abrasion resistant and aggressive substances, such as acetone, and withstands an extreme range of temperatures from -40 °C to 70 °C. This provides even greater protection than the usual leather that we have seen on Leica so far.

The Fedrigoni brand paper layer offers exceptional resistance to external factors. Photo: Fedrigoni Germany.
The Fedrigoni brand paper layer offers exceptional resistance to external factors. Photo: Fedrigoni Germany.

Together with imaginative packaging studios Geometry Global Frankfurt limited series, sold only in Fedrigoni's showrooms, provides an exceptional experience with duo of stunning brands, with which it leaks an unforgettable legacy.

Studio Geometry Global Frankfurt provided an imaginative look in a handsome "book". Photo: Fedrigoni Germany.
Studio Geometry Global Frankfurt provided an imaginative look in a handsome "book". Photo: Fedrigoni Germany.

Watch the video below that reveals the story of the amazing paper skin:

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