
LeSEE – China's answer to Tesla's Model S

LeSEE electric cars

Even China has its own Tesla Model S. It's the LeSEE, an electric car from the LeEco brand. It is a concept that predicts the imminent release of a production model, which is supposed to be a direct competitor to the luxury electric sedan from America. The car will be fully electric and will enable autonomous driving.

LeSEE car technology brands LeEco is China's answer to Tesla's Model S. It's about electrical concept, which heralds the arrival of a direct serial rival to the American. Chinese brands are accelerating the development of electric cars, although oil profits still turn a large part of the car industry deaf to environmental warnings.

LeEco is not kidding with the LeSEE concept.
LeEco is not kidding with the LeSEE concept.

But since many Chinese cities are drowning in smog, there is an alternative, and above all, more ecological drive necessary. One of the first to provide the green way overcoming distances, is the brand LeEco, which will send the ecologically oriented vehicle LeSEE to the market before the end of the year 2016.

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LeSEE will excel most where all Chinese products excel - in the price. At least this one will half as low as the competition. We will be able to travel with him to 210 km/h and in the meantime they had fun with the infotainment system in the cabin, from which they expelled practically all the buttons and similar accessories that took refuge on the screen before the minimalistic "pogrom". More details about the vehicle will be revealed at the upcoming Beijing Auto Show Beijing Auto Show 2016.

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