
LG announces LCD TV with quantum technology

Korea's LG will present a new generation of TVs with quantum technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January. Admittedly, it is not a quantum leap in technology, so quantum dots up to 30% will increase the color range of the TV, which means an even more vivid picture than we are used to with classic LCD and OLED TV screens.

LG plans to send the new line of TVs to the market already in 2015. Although technologically it sounds like something coming from NASA, it is actually "just" an upgrade LCD technologies where LEDs, as a source of light, are replaced quantum dots, small, from two to ten nanometers in size crystals. These emit light of a very precise wavelength, which means wider color range or a clearer and more vivid picture. The technology thus despite its scientific name not overly expensive and will be in a much more affordable price range than organic light emitting diode televisions (OLED technology), which are still too expensive.

LG also plowed the fallow with OLED curved TV screens.
LG also plowed the fallow with OLED curved TV screens.

So it will be the best ratio between quality and price. But since different sized crystals produce different colors, and the size can be adjusted, this provides colors that are even better than those of OLED screens, which are currently, as said, the cream of the crop.

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LG is not the first to use this technology. Amazon already uses it Kindle Fire HDX, and the Chinese TV provider is also said to have overtaken it TCL.

TCL's 55-inch TV will be the first TV with quantum technology on the market.
TCL's 55-inch TV will be the first TV with quantum technology on the market.

Time will tell if the technology will catch on, but given that LG is cutting corners 17% of the television market, quantum technology has a huge opportunity. The size of the screen is not yet known, only that it is supposed to be a TV 4K (Ultra HD). The only weak point of the technology is the use of toxic metal, cadmium, but LG says that their TV will be "clean". And while it's the latest in technology, it won't be the most expensive either. Hold LG, "Life's Good."

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