
Volvo LifePaint - An invisible paint spray that illuminates cyclists at night

LifePaint is a spray with invisible paint that greatly increases the visibility of the most vulnerable road users.

Volvo has always been synonymous with safety. Now the Swedish car brand, together with the advertising agency Gray London, has extended its concern for the safety of drivers to the safety of those with whom they share the road - cyclists - with a reflective safety reception with invisible LifePaint paint. The start-up company Albedo100, which produces a spray that increases visibility at night and thus the safety of cyclists and other road users, is also involved in the test project.

Apply LifePaint, which grew on the car brand's lawn Volvo and advertising agencies Gray London, and it is produced by "startup" Albedo100, contains a color that is invisible during the day, but at night or in the dark it glows like reflector.

Technically it's not about the color but clear spray, an odorless "deodorant" that leaves no lasting effects on the host's material, as it can be washed off. It can be applied to almost any surface - clothes, shoes, strollers, backpacks, even dog leashes and collars. It works for about a week, then the cast effect wears off.

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LifePaint is a spray with invisible paint that greatly increases the visibility of the most vulnerable road users.
LifePaint is a spray with invisible paint that greatly increases the visibility of the most vulnerable road users.

V pilot project, which takes place in England, was divided between six bicycle shops in London and Kent 2000 LifePaint sprayers and if the issue catches on, they plan to spread it beyond the island's borders as well. In addition to the spray, the Gray agency also prepared "invisible" black posters, which reveal their message only when illuminated by a smartphone or camera flash.

"Invisible" posters of the advertising agency Gray London.
"Invisible" posters of the advertising agency Gray London.

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