
McLaren MP4-X: an extraordinary Formula 1 concept car

Future McLaren MP4-X Formula 1 car

McLaren broke all the rules to create a Formula 1 concept car and presented a potential Formula 1 car of the future. And what happened when engineers, who are otherwise bombarded from all sides with a thousand and one rules and restrictions, were given a completely free hand? They poured their "frustration" into the MP4-X concept, which promises more exciting times in Formula 1 than today.

After they have their vision Formula 1 racing car already presented Ferrari and Red Bull, the engineers at McLaren Honda (more precisely, the department McLaren Applied Technologies), which is in its extraordinary racing car of the future MP4-X inserted hybrid powertrain from Honda, while they charged for supplying electricity to the drive solar cells.

Of course, it's not a concept we could see as early as next year, although with such a tepid season, which was more than a forgettable one for the Woking side and light years from the golden days, we'd Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna, probably wanted that. But in Formula 1, nothing happens overnight, and if anywhere, then here it is considered that patience is the oil of God. And with this kind of racing car with active aerodynamics, flexible exterior and sensors on the chassis, who communicate in reality what is happening with the vehicle, there is no fear for the future of the team. The future will be high-tech, which McLaren is well aware of.

READ MORE: Ferrari's vision of the future of Formula 1 racing

McLaren's vision of the future.
McLaren's vision of the future.

If Formula 1 is boring today, it certainly won't be in the future, and McLaren can hope for something more than the overall ninth place in the constructors' classification, which it "managed" this year. In any case, he already has it in his pocket the most beautiful concept. As he said John Aller, who sits at the helm of McLaren's technology team, ”the MP4-X is designed to uses alternative sources of energy, the shape of the chassis adapts to different aerodynamic conditions, and at the same time communicates (with the driver and mechanics, p.p.) and reports errors or malfunctions.” When creating, the engineers took into account all the main components of Formula 1, that is speed, excitement and performance and take into account future F1 guidelines that point against closed driver's cabin and hybrid technologies.

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