
Modern vintage collages by Eugenie Loli

Eugenia Loli is an artist whose "specialty" is modern vintage collages. Nostalgic ones that immediately remind us of the sixties with housewives and small-town scenes and those that are full of sarcasm or a slightly different message.

Eugenia Loli is a filmmaker and modern vintage collages. The artist comes from Greece, but today she lives and creates in California. Before she threw herself into artistic waters, she was employed in technology, but today her work includes collaborations with various clients (including well-known Urban Outfitters) and album covers of many musicians.

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She thinks it's important that her art carries a strong idea, so each of her nostalgic vintage collages has a message in it, which it is up to the viewer to use their imagination to complete the story, which the artist begins on the collage.

Check out Eugenie Loli's modern vintage collages in our gallery!

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