
Fashion trends 2016: the hottest trend is socks over shoes

Have you seen Kanye West's Yeezy Season 2 collection yet? Then you might know that socks over shoes are the hottest fashion trend right now. Instead of spending a small fortune on Yeezy S2 shoes, we can make very similar shoes ourselves! Girls all over the world are already hard at work creating their own 'DIY' versions, and why shouldn't you?

The stylist started it all Colette Emily, who made a how-to video for homemade Yeezy shoes. To recreate the look, you need thinner socks with a hole, which you pull over heeled shoes. Then use on the sole of the shoe tape and thereby stabilize the sock. If necessary, paint the tape with the appropriate color.

She also recorded a similar video Shay Cherise, except that it is a bit lighter. Shay doesn't use tape and paint, she uses sanding belt.

READ MORE: In public, she wore Victoria's Secret underwear, which was also promoted as outerwear

DIY for Yeezy shoes is thus becoming more and more popular and it's time to the hottest fashion trend of the moment try it too!


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