
Moff bracelet - wearable smart toy

The Moff is a colorful bracelet that doesn't look like much until it shows off what it can do. Then it becomes the coolest and funnest toy in the world.

Wearable smart toy, which turns everything into toys. Moff he can imitate almost all the sounds of this world. Everything you do and everything you hold in your hands turns into a toy. Sounds pretty unrealistic? So Moff works by connecting it wirelessly with a smartphone app. Then as puts the bracelet on the arm and automatically detects all movements and reacts to them responds with sounds.

 Photo: online.wsj
Photo: online.wsj
The broom becomes with Moff on the guitar, a long stick can be a sword, and the kitchen is a magic wand, with Moff we can play nan imaginary tennis or golf. There are tons of choices, so little ones are never bored. Well, a little too bigger kids, as it looks like this toy will reach a wider audience than it's intended for in the first place. Because it is recently finished Kickstarter project, Moff is not yet on the market, but according to success and audience interest, we can expect it soon.

Moff – a wearable smart toy – from Moff he Vimeo.

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