
Surrealistic tattoos that you will still want today

Surrealist tattoos by Belarusian artist Ilya Brezinsky

Are you thinking about getting a tattoo, but don't know what to get? Then take a look at these surrealist tattoos by the Belarusian artist Ilya Brezinsky, which will undoubtedly enchant you and after viewing which you will no longer have any doubts about what you want!

When the two French artists George Seurat and Paul Signac invented in 1886 pointillism, probably never expected that this art style would one day be used for tattoos as well. And that's exactly what a tattoo artist does Ilya Brezinsky, and the inventor of the technique would also praise his work.

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Belarusian artist and illustrator, based in St. Petersburg, Russia, is a master of the pontilistic ink technique that he uses locally for his tattoos. His designs often have surreal, Dali-worthy tattoos with almost 3D students, which cannot be achieved with other techniques.

Surrealism on the body.
Surrealism on the body.

His tattoos are the majority monochrome, which contributes to an even better effect of his artworks. Brezinski has on Instagram more than 51 thousand followers, which is not unusual when looking at his work.

Ilya Brezinski: surrealist tattoos

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