
The most imaginative tea bags

The most imaginative tea bags

You've probably already heard that used tea bags should not be thrown away, because you can use them as a natural deodorant for shoes and hands, to soften meat, enrich the soil, as a floor cleaner, use them on pimples and dark circles, use them in the bath and as a glass cleaner. You are also well aware of all the healing effects of tea, which have been proven many times throughout history. But you've probably never seen tea bags that were excessive in their appearance. Below, therefore, take a look at the most imaginative tea bags.

Tea it is second to water the most popular drink in the world (we drink six billion cups of it daily). That's why we won't be wrong when we say that everyone has made a cup of tea with a tea bag. About her versatility we already wrote, but today let's take a look at the most imaginative tea bags.

READ MORE: Useful ways to use tea bags

Drinking tea is ritual, with these tea bags that aren't just square filter paper, and those minutes when the tea still "colors" the water become a very special experience.

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