
The best ice cream in town: Italian Grom #3

The hunt for the best ball in the world would not be the same without Italy. Although Italian cuisine is known for its tradition, this time we chose something fresh, with less tradition, and therefore with a lot of freshness. Grom Italian ice cream.

An ice cream shop Thunder from Turin opened its doors in 2003, when Guido Martinetti and Federico Grom found the ingredients they envisioned after a year of searching. But they came up with ingredients of the highest possible quality, which mostly come from Italy and South America. The result of their search is lines from fifteen to twenty meters long. So long that Guido and Federico started expanding already two years later.

READ MORE: Best ice cream in town: Portuguese Santini #2

Ice cream store Grom
Ice cream store Grom

They strive for the natural. The ingredients are special and tell where they come from. We can try lemon flavor from Syracuse, coffee from Guatemala and dark chocolate from Venezuela. Theirs shop in New York already from the day after the opening they are accompanied by thirty-meter queues, and they can also taste the ice cream on the streets of Tokyo, in Malibu, Osaka, Paris and throughout Italy. Each month deserves its own flavor. In July, for example, you can sweeten yourself with ice cream to the taste of ricotta from Sardinia with candied black cherries and pieces of pistachio. What's more, when Sarah Jessica Parker was asked what she remembered most after her visit to Florence, the first thing that came to her mind was Grom's ice cream.

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More information: www.grom.it

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