
The ugliest sculptures in the world that put places to shame

The ugliest sculptures in the world

Years ago, CNN declared the monuments of the former Yugoslavia to be the ugliest monuments in the world. But the monuments from the 1960s and 1970s are nowhere near as ugly as the sculptures from the sequel, which the townspeople are probably deeply ashamed of. It is said that good art is always at least a little bit controversial. In the following, we therefore present to you the sculptures that raised a lot of dust and excited the public.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This also applies to art. The task of art is to provoke discussions, and controversial art succeeds in this best. But with these sculptures, we will probably all be of the same opinion that it is about extremely unfortunate specimens, who do not deserve the title a work of art. Or is it? We leave the judgment to you.

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The ugliest sculptures in the world:

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