
National Geographic: Best Travel Photographer 2016

National Geographic has announced the winners of the 2016 Best Travel Photographer! From the 10,000 registered photographers and photos, they chose the overall winner, but of course the prizes were also distributed by individual categories. Check out the masterpieces of the best travel photographers of 2016!

Big prize National Geographic for Best Travel Photographer has received Anthony Lau from Hong Kong for a photo a horseman from Mongolia. The other winners are Hiroki Inoue, who won an award for his beautiful photo of foxes in Hokkaido, Yasmin Mund for an aerial shot of people sleeping on the rooftops of Varanasi, India and Victor Lima for a photo of the Atacama Desert, located in the northern part of Chile.
It's a good thing that the photographers and photos were judged by someone else - in our editorial office, we would have easily awarded the first prize to all the participants.

READ MORE: The volte-face of the photographer who turns his back on world landmarks

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