
Unusually shaped fruits and vegetables that mimic the shapes of animals and people

Although, for example, bananas and oranges were still exotic fruits in the time of our grandmothers, our shops and markets can no longer be imagined without such fruits and vegetables that grow on the other side of the world. Despite this, there are still specimens that have not come to us, but even more rarely than these we come across fruits and vegetables that imitate the shapes of animals, body parts and people. Have you ever seen a lemon as a banana, a strawberry as a butterfly or an apple as an owl?

It's amazing what forms nature remembers. And here we are not referring to the "basic" lines that we have already become accustomed to. Sometimes, under certain conditions, nature deviates from its style and produces something outside the mold. That's why we've collected a bunch of examples fruits and vegetables that imitate the shapes of other things such as animals, body parts and even people. The latter is particularly bizarre because we already like to humanize them and assign them human characteristics.

READ MORE: 12 animals as fruits and vegetables that "grew" in Photoshop

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