
NERVteh: Slovenians with the best driving simulator in the world

NERVteh simulator

NERVteh is the best driving simulator in the world. It is the fruit of Slovenian knowledge and the best approximation of real driving. It boasts customizable professional software that offers a realistic driving experience on a variety of terrains in a variety of conditions. NERVteh is so realistic that you will think you are sitting in a real car!

Driving simulator NERVteh is primarily intended to improve road traffic safety and is useful in the planning of advanced transport infrastructure and advanced functionalities in the vehicle. It is much more advanced than other comparable products. S flexible software offers the most realistic experience ever, you can see for yourself in some shopping centers; of which, check here.

NERVteh driving simulator.
NERVteh driving simulator.

There are more than just NERVs a driving, gaming and flight simulator. Namely, it collects individuals neurological and biometric data and, based on the results, "prescribes" additional training to people for activities in which they performed worse. The collected data is also used for research and medical purposes.

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Every year, lives are lost on the roads 1.2 million people, and millions more suffer serious physical injuries. Globally, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among young people. With the NERVteh simulator, these numbers can be significantly mitigated.

You can see how NERVteh works in practice in the video below:

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