
Nike with the first collection of clothes for a stronger figure

Nike with a collection for a stronger figure

Half a year ago, Nike presented the first collection of sports bras for a stronger figure, and now it has presented the first collection of sportswear for a stronger figure.

Nike presented his first a collection of sportswear for a stronger figure, which follows collection of sports bras for women with a stronger figure, which was presented in July 2016. With the collection he wants Nike to change the perception of women with a stronger figure.

READ MORE: Nike finally with bras for larger busts

Nike wants to change society's attitude towards women who have a stronger figure.
Nike wants to change society's attitude towards women who have a stronger figure.

They decorate the campaign Grace Victory and Danielle Vanier, which was captured by a fashion photographer Jade Keisha Gordon. The collection covers collection numbers from XL to XXXL. "When we designed the collection, we didn't simply make the clothes bigger, because we all have different weight distributions." said Nik's vice president Helen Boucher, in charge of sportswear. You can order them here.

Gallery - Nike's Collection for a Stronger Body:

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