
A new bivouac II was opened in the Julian Alps

Bivouac II na Jezeri has been open since the last day of September.

On the last day of September, a new bivouac II was opened at Jezery in the Julian Alps at an altitude of 2118 meters. Take a look at its modest but handsome, warm and safe interior.

Bivouac II it stands on the spot where the original bivouac was built way back in 1936. It persisted there in extreme weather conditions for as many as 80 years, and last fall, due to dilapidation, it was moved to the valley and presented to the Slovenian Mountain Museum in Mojstrana. Ever since then, preparations have been underway for the construction of bivouac II, which these days, with the help of volunteers and many local donors, finally opened its doors and now offers shelter to lovers of this wild, less visited area of the Julian Mountains.

Bivouac II is located at Jezery, in one of the most beautiful locations in the Julian Alps. (photo: Anže Čokl)
Bivouac II is located at Jezery, in one of the most beautiful locations in the Julian Alps. (Photo: Anže Čokl)

One of the most beautiful locations in the Triglav National Park

Bivouac II stands above the Vrata valley with a view of the northern Triglav wall, in one of the most beautiful locations in the Triglav National Park. It can accommodate up to six people on shared beds, the bivouac also has a bench, folding table, storage and a double USB port for charging mobile phones.

They kept the proven technical solutions

Darko Bernik, the constructor of the new bivouac, based on the original plan from 1936, which he designed Karel Korenini, said about bivouac II: "In a sensitive environment where special laws apply, we learned from our ancestors. Since the environment is sensitive, the approach is demanding and possible repairs are extremely difficult, with the new bivouac we have kept proven technical solutions that more than obviously work in real life."

Proven technical solutions were taken into account when designing the bivouac. (Photo: Anže Čokl)
Proven technical solutions were taken into account when designing the bivouac. (Photo: Anže Čokl)

"Bivouac visitors should be responsible users"

Setting up a new bivouac in the heart of the Triglav National Park is also a big logistical challenge, with many volunteers joining forces. All participants want the new bivouac to serve visitors perfectly for decades to come. Alpinist Anže Čokl he adds: "We also want visitors to be careful and responsible users of this valuable shelter." For information about bivouac availability, please contact Alpinist section of Jesenice.

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GALLERY: More photos of the new bivouac II

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