
Office off: an office in which one could live

The swimming pool calls for relaxation.

A working environment that merges with leisure activities is really becoming a new standard of living. This is also proven by a company in Austria, which recently opened an Office off office, in which employees have access to a climbing wall, a swimming pool, a kitchen and even a garden.

Most people nowadays spend most of the day in the office, which we do not (yet) experience as a living environment. Recently, architects have been paying more attention to making the office environment more livable - by adding vegetation, played and comfortable sofas. Authors, Vienna architectural bureau Heri & Sally have gone one step further and completely blurred the line between work and leisure time with the design. Already in the reception area we encounter a three-story climbing wall, and relaxation areas are distributed throughout the building. Employees can visit during working hours the gym, they cook in the convenient kitchen or even treat themselves in the sleeping alcove afternoon rest. In front of the building Office off currently being edited a large garden, in which chickens, sheep and ducks will soon live. In addition to its interesting functions, the building is also sustainably designed, namely it is built from natural wood, has solar panels on the roof, cools naturally and has rainwater collectors. The present building is one of the better examples of how we will live in the future!

READ MORE: The Viennese cottage pampers with comfortable hammocks

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