
Olaf - one and a half Slovenian origin on Kickstarter

Will this become a classic street scene?

Olaf skis for adults are the result of Slovenian know-how and craftsmanship. Under this brand, we find the Urban and Business models, both multi-functional scooters, which are decorated with innovation, practicality and domestic patents. They are true engineering pearls, under which the first signatory is Dr. Boštjan Žagar, owner of the patent for the folding mechanism. Olaf is starting his Kickstarter campaign today, with test drives available since yesterday.

Olaf is in the purebred Slovenian product, as it was conceived (idea) and brought to the world (production) at home. It is an "open platform for mobility" that simultaneously offers transport to man and baggage. The primary purpose of the skiro is to serve as supplement to public transport for patching "gray spots", i.e. distances that you otherwise have to overcome on foot.

Olaf Urban and Business in action.
Olaf Urban and Business in action.

Both models, yes Urban like Business, are multi-practice and fully satisfy the needs of the profile of the people they are in charge of. The first is a skiro with an ergonomic design backpacks, robust cart and a longboard, the second is a cross between a skiro, a buggy and a certified one hand luggage. With an adaptive turning system with a tilt, they take urban mobility to a new level and are suitable for overcoming such short ones as well as longer distances.

READ MORE: Oivo: the smallest "on-the-go" iPhone charger of Slovenian origin

Olaf is on a fundraising platform Kickstarter in the hunt for $30,000 to serve as diving board for the mass production of this multi-talented "board". And if she hasn't convinced you yet, we suggest you go to test drive.

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