
Mi Note – a giant among mobile phones attacking the Iphone 6 plus

China's Xiaomi has presented the world with its new flagship among smartphones, the Mi Note, with which it will not have to face accusations of copying Apple or even the iPhone for a change (the iPad and Mi Pad are very similar). That's why Samsung is now looking at it a little sideways, because it borrowed the word Note from their dictionary, which does not diminish its great features, which the appearance does not match.

We Note namely, it won't win any awards for design excellence, but this 6.95-millimeter "trlica" with 5.7-inch IPS screen (an improved version of the LCD with a larger viewing angle and a clearer image), which allows the resolution to be displayed 1080p, remains a serious competitor to Apple, more precisely to its iPhone 6. It is powered by a quad-core processor Snapdragon 801, has 3 GB of memory, battery capacity 3000 mAh and a camera with a resolution of 13 million pixels. Its glass has curved edges, the front is ti 2.5D edge, but behind 3D.

That it is not a matter of copying Apple's concept, the Xiaomi smartphone shows in another way than with a different appearance. While Apple has it all components for the iPhone made in-house, Xiaomi is not ashamed to say, in fact they even point out that their Mi Note has it Sony sensor for camera, two-tone Philips flash, screen from Sharp or Japan Display and Sony or LG battery. And one more characteristic feature. "Dele" buys locally, although at the same time it also weaves ties across the border.

READ MORE: Xiaomi Mi4 - unoriginal but top-quality "Chinese iPhone"

The design may not be revolutionary, but it is attractive enough to convince many.
The design may not be revolutionary, but it is attractive enough to convince many.

In addition to the basic model (it will be available for converted 350 euros) will also be a model to choose from Pro with 4 GB RAM, resolution 1440 p, the same Snapdragon 801 processor, with approx. 150 euros higher price. The question is whether he will manage to get abroad, because it can happen that he will not pass many patent test. Xiaomi's most expensive phone will definitely be welcome, as it will be excellent and quite a cheaper alternative Apple's iPhone 6 and Samsung's Galaxy S5.

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