
Smart furniture with added value

A sofa with a faceted background and a shelf. But on the other hand, also a double bed. Sesame, open up!

Have you ever faced a lack of space, either in the living room or in the kitchen? You must have had to give up a piece of furniture in order to save space and allow it to 'breathe'. But if you decide on Expand furniture products, you can avoid rotten compromises, as it offers convertible furniture that literally relativizes the square footage of the room.

They are a kind of transformers between furniture, which give even a small apartment almost the same level of comfort as a larger one, which does not suffer from the "quadrature complex". Brand furniture Expand furniture so it is ideal for small apartments, as each of their products performs several tasks. True multi-practitioners, then. So why should your room be crammed with furniture when you can have it two, three or even four in one. At the same time, there will suddenly be room for style. Something smart solutions awaits you below.

READ MORE: Oeuf furniture for small and large children

A sofa with a faceted background and a shelf. But on the other hand, also a double bed. Sesame, open up!
A sofa with a faceted background and a shelf. But on the other hand, also a double bed. Sesame, open up!
When this rounded coffee table expands its wings, it becomes much larger, and with the help of a 'lift', it can reach the height of a dining table for 4 in the summer.
When this rounded coffee table expands its wings, it becomes much larger, and with the help of a 'lift', it can reach the height of a dining table for 4 in the summer.

Desk or guest bed? Have both. And don't worry, the things on the table and shelf will stay in place when transformed into a bed.
Desk or guest bed? Have both. And don't worry, the things on the table and shelf will stay in place when transformed into a bed.

Of course, you can see more great pieces of furniture in the gallery!

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