
Pizzacle: pizza on a stick

A pizzacle is a pizza on a stick

A slice of pizza is a popular street food because it is very easy to eat. But now it becomes even easier. Forget the napkins, forget the cheese that drags when you try to bite into a slice of pizza. Meet Pizzacle, a pizza on a stick that is enjoyed in a similar way to ice cream on a stick.

Pizzacle it is pizza on a stick, which originates from Manila (Philippines), where it is rapidly gaining popularity. It is available in different flavors, from classic to exotic, such as those with chocolate and banana additions, we can only hope that pizza on a stick will soon spread to other parts of the world.

READ MORE: Pizzeria Pronto: pizza like from a bread oven on the stove

Pizza on a stick is the latest pizza trend.
Pizza on a stick is the latest pizza trend.

Pizzacle is otherwise food stall, which opened in the capital of the Philippines in 2015, their innovation, i.e. pizza on a stick, under which they sign Shiv Hiranand, combines the deliciousness of pizza and practicality.

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