
Wedding 2016: Tina Lasič Andrejević - make-up of modern brides

Tina Lasič Andrejević, make-up artist and director of education at the first and only professional make-up school in our country, Make Up Artist Center, entrusted us with some of the most important information and instructions that brides must follow when applying make-up for their biggest day.

Wedding make up is most often a little more emphasized everyday looka, especially if we are not used to makeup or use it very little. When it comes to brides' make-up, we often choose natural color tones, natural looks but accentuated. These are muted colors, which can be found in nature. Of course, these colors include brown, green and blue and also Red, apricot or pink.

Wedding 2016: wedding make up
Wedding 2016: wedding make up

If we get married in the morning or morning hours, let it be makeup gentler, if we intend to get married in the evening, but it can be stronger, more dramatically, maybe smokey eyes in medium dark tones with false eyelashes.

READ MORE: Prize game: wedding make-up by renowned Slovenian make-up artist Ana Lazovski

Wedding 2016: wedding make up
Wedding 2016: wedding make up

If they will hair up in a more formal style, the make-up should be more formal, but if they are hair down, natural and will fall softly on the shoulders, the make-up is light or transparent with beautifully accentuated skin or more "sexy" with more heavily shaded eyes and gloss-emphasized lips.
Let's also pay attention to flower colors, the suit of the groom and wedding witnesses, so that everything will be in color harmony. Let's use waterproof products and makeup principles for long lasting make up.

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