
Videos that will make you laugh to the point of tears

Funny clips

Haven't had a good laugh in a while? Having a bad day? Then we have the best medicine for you - laughter. When you watch these videos, you will cry with laughter. Laughter is not only the proverbial half of health, it is excellent for the abdominal muscles, which are very active during laughter, as they stretch and contract, thereby strengthening and forming. They are a painless way (well, unless you really laugh so long and so hard that you end up hurting) to get fit until the holidays. Watch videos that will make you laugh like you haven't in a long time!

Laughter is therapy without side effects, so we highly recommend you check out these 11 short clips that will make your day. We lie. Laughter has side effects, because it is highly contagious, so expect them to be around your computer or colleagues, friends or family collected your phone/tablet during the tour and started laughing with you.

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These clips will make you laugh out loud!
These clips will make you laugh out loud!

By the way. Did you know that laughter also actively (collaborates) with 300 muscles?! Not only abdominal, but also facial and respiratory muscles, as well as chest muscles. And if you didn't know, it's laughter form of physical exercise, so one way is to how to get a flat stomach without exercise! By watching the clips below, you will find how little it takes to put us in a good mood.

Videos that will make you laugh to the point of tears:

From the devil!

A father can't stop laughing at his children:

Cute dogs in the company of babies:

The warmest welcome:

The mother cuts off her nose and the child goes numb:

Identical Twins:

Confused Baby Between Twins:

The child slows down while licking the ice cream:


Charlie bit my finger again:

Kids Gangnam Style:

The girl finds out that Adam Levine got married:

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