
The Lenovo LaVie Z laptop is even lighter and more powerful than the new Apple MacBook

Lenovo LaVie Z

Apple's new MacBook may be the template for all laptops of the future, but it's hardly the best. He happened upon a Lenovo LaVie Z laptop. The latter, which runs the Windows 8.1 operating system, may not be as thin as the new Apple MacBook, but it is therefore lighter and has all the connections you need. No need for intermediate plugs and similar rods. The screen is also larger and with a higher resolution, and the processor is more powerful. Of course, all this comes with a price, so you will pay around 180 euros more for it than for a MacBook.

So that it doesn't seem like we're just skilfully messing with words, let's look a little more into the details of why the laptop Lenovo LaVie Z better than new Apple MacBook. To the latter, the scale of intentions 920 grams, and the LaVie Z is even slightly lighter- 875 grams. When we place the screen next to it, the situation is as follows. LaVie Z boasts with a 13.3-inch touchscreen with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels, while the "dead" screen of the MacBook is slightly smaller, 12-inch, and the resolution is 2304 x 1440 pixels. Unlike the latter, which has only one connector (USB-C, which is reversible and supports multiple interfaces: USB, HDMI, Display Port, etc.), the LaVie Z has two USB 3.0 ports, HDMI input and a "parking spot" for an SD memory card.

READ MORE: The new MacBook – the most anticipated laptop of the year

The new Apple MacBook can also bow to the Lenovo LaVie Z laptop.
The new Apple MacBook can also bow to the Lenovo LaVie Z laptop.

Lenovo also wins the processor battle. MacBooks Intel Core M processor, which beats at 1.1 Ghz, can hide in front of the LaVie Z processor Intel Core i7, which flashes at 2.4 Ghz. The graphics are also better, as the MacBook has a built-in Intel HD graphics 5300, and LaVie Z 5500. To the above, we can add 8 GB of memory, 256 hard disk capacity and a web camera that allows video capture. 720p HD. Meanwhile, MacBook owners have to make do with video quality 480 p. The only thing where the MacBook is empirically proven to be better (disregarding sales figures) is battery autonomy (9 hours versus 10 hours when watching videos online).

The Apple MacBook is no match for the Lenovo LaVie Z laptop.
The Apple MacBook is no match for the Lenovo LaVie Z laptop.

So as you can see, the LaVie Z laptop easily won the war with the new MacBook, because it surpassed it in almost every aspect. But that comes with a price. If we compare them in US dollars, you will subtract them for the MacBook 1499, and 200 more for the LaVie Z.

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