
Check how old Microsoft thinks you are? #HowOldRobot

Check how old Microsoft gives you based on your photo.

How-Old.net is a new website from Microsoft that tries to guess your age based on a photo. The matter could not be simpler. You select the photo you want and the website will use facial recognition algorithms to determine your age and gender. Yes, we know you know how old you are, but who doesn't want to check out how old Microsoft thinks we are. You'll be checking others anyway. Definitely a fun way to kill time.

Microsoft does not indulge in idleness. While actively dealing with new ones Windows and new ones browsers, in the meantime, its engineers apparently found time to launch the website How-Old.net. It is laid out quite simply and user-friendly. Upload a photo and the very next moment - as if you were to ask someone live how old they are - they tell you how old they think you are. There's a lot going on behind the scenes. The site is armed with Azure's Face API algorithms, which not only recognize facial features and based on this they determine age and gender, but they also classify faces and distinguish the same face from different photos.

READ MORE: Solitaire is back - back as an auto-installed game in Windows 10

Because we know you've always wanted to know how old Mona Lisa was.
Because we know you've always wanted to know how old Mona Lisa was.

And in case you forgot, Microsoft will be using webcam facial recognition in Windows 10 as an application option. With Azure API algorithms, the tech giant has such big plans. They will also come in handy when organizing photo albums which will further expand the options offered by the cloud OneDrive. Algorithms are basically used by Microsoft to make it easier to get through photos online.

Straan apologizes in advance if she made a mistake and promises to work on getting better.
Straan apologizes in advance if she made a mistake and promises to work on getting better.

Forget Minesweeper and revived Solitaire, How-Old.net is the new Microsoft game number 1. Are you wondering how old Gollum is from The Lord of the Rings? How old are you according to Microsoft? Share with us at Facebook, how many years he assigned to you. And don't worry if he gives you too many. It is just a robot, although Madonna would probably be happy to sign off on his assessment.

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