
The future of flying: windowless planes from which we can touch the clouds

The British Center for Process Innovation (CPI) recently presented the concept of airplanes, which are almost certainly the future of flying: they are airplanes without windows, from which we can (somewhat abstractly) touch the clouds. The flexible screens on the walls of the planes transmit what is happening in the air via cameras.

Center for Process Innovation or the CPI is technological innovation center located in Great Britain. They recently presented comprehensive aircraft concept, which is expected to be the future of flight in less than ten years. Windowless Fuselage represents a technological alternative to today's aircraft, which has many advantages.

The Windowless Fuselage concept envisages aircraft in which walls and other surfaces on flexible OLED screens during the flight, the camera transmits what is happening outside the plane: the sky, clouds, sun, stars and everything that goes with it. In addition to the obvious advantage (that it would be simply indescribably "cool"), the arguments in favor of such aircraft are also much more rationally supported.

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Because of the screens with a panoramic view of the sky, they would be aircraft walls thinner, as they would not have supporting elements, which are otherwise necessary because of the windows. Due to the lower weight, the planes would consume less fuel, and as a result, they would be years cheaper, and carbon dioxide emissions are lower. Another advantage is of a slightly more psychological nature: passengers on airplanes would have an easier time adjusting to time differences due to changing light.

See how the Windowless Fuselage concept envisions the future of flight in our gallery!

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