
The first Wi-Fi sidewalk in the world!

This is the world's first WiFi sidewalk.

Today, like water and Wi-Fi pavement, Wi-Fi is a logical answer to the world's number one problem - the lack of a Wi-Fi connection at every turn. We can hardly imagine a world without a wireless Internet connection. Wi-Fi access points therefore accompany us at every step. Well, not quite on every one. However, you cannot catch him while walking. Or is it? In Buckinghamshire, England, they "opened" the world's first Wi-Fi sidewalks on a pilot basis!

The first Wi-Fi sidewalks in the world are in the town of Chesham in the English non-metropolitan district Buckinghamshire (UK), and the technology for them was developed at Virgin Media. It allows pedestrians transfer speeds of up to 166 megabits per second, which is seven times faster than the average speed in Great Britain. For a more plastic show, this means transferring a 45-minute episode in 35 seconds! The Wi-Fi signal is made possible by a combination of optical fibers and cable technology DOCSIS 3, and "carries" it 80 meters away.

READ MORE: Simple tips on how to make your Wi-Fi signal work better

WiFi technology is so hidden under your feet that you have WiFi at every step.
WiFi technology is so hidden under your feet that you have WiFi at every step.

It's the Internet at the center of modern life and the technology that enables Wi-Fi sidewalks represent the missing pieces of the puzzle. For now, there are no reports of (chain) collisions between people and large headshots from Chesham. It's a project part of a wider initiative Virgina Media, which wants to respond to the challenges of the times and fill gray spots using the internet.

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