
Recipe: Nutellasagna, lasagna with Nutella and pecans

After Nutellamisu, tiramisu with Nutella, another treat follows! Nutellasagna is a decadent dessert, simple to make but so, so good!

Are you ready for another 'dose' of delicious Nutella? Then quickly read on, because true paradise awaits the 'nutellaholics'! Here is the recipe for Nutellasagna, lasagna with Nutella and pretzels.

READ MORE: Recipe: Nutellamisu, tiramisu with Nutella

Delicious Nutellasagna
Delicious Nutellasagna

Ingredients for Nutellasagna, Nutella lasagna:

  • 2 eating chocolates
  • 3 cups of breadcrumbs (marshmallows)
  • 32 'digestive' cookies or graham crackers (any easily digestible cookies will work)
  • 1 pot of Nutella

Preparation of Nutellasagne, Nutella lasagna:

Spread some Nutella on each cookie. Place the first layer of cookies with Nutella in the baking pan. Repeat the process with the Nutella coated parts facing each other. Then place 2 edible chocolates over the biscuits, and another layer of Nutella biscuits over them. Sprinkle with sparkling wine. Bake at 170 degrees Celsius until the pecans are completely melted and slightly brown on top. Nutellasagna goes perfectly with ice cream! Have a good run!

You can also see the preparation of Nutellasagna in the attached video:

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