
Recipe: Nutella two-ingredient cake

Nutella's two-ingredient cake is probably the best thing that ever happened to us. Take a quick look at the recipe and surprise your loved ones with this super simple and super chocolatey dessert.

Ready for culinary delights? Here is Nutella cake recipe with only two ingredients, which will impress everyone present! So sweet good run!

READ MORE: Recipe: Nutellamisu, tiramisu with Nutella

Nutella's two-ingredient cake is probably the best thing that ever happened to us.
Nutella's two-ingredient cake is probably the best thing that ever happened to us.

Ingredients for a two-ingredient Nutella cake:

  • 1 glass of Nutella (960 grams)
  • 4 large eggs

Preparation of Nutella cake from two ingredients:

Grease the cake pan and heat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Crack the eggs into a large bowl and beat them on high speed until they triple in volume and turn a lighter yellow color - about 10 minutes. Heat the Nutella in the microwave (1 minute) and stir halfway through heating. Reduce the speed of the electric mixer and add the Nutella, one tablespoon at a time.
Pour the batter into a greased pan and bake for 20 to 35 minutes, or until the cake passes the toothpick test. Chill before serving. Have a good run!

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