
Recipe: Grilled peaches with ice cream - a dessert to fall in love with!

Recipe for grilled peaches with ice cream

Who would have thought that we would ever use peach and barbecue in the same sentence. Here's a delicious recipe for Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream, a delicacy so good you'll want to try it the next time you grill!

Summer is, among other things, time peaches. Summer is also the time when you don't like baking because of the heat. It's summer too barbecue season. And how to connect these three facts? If you said grilled peaches with ice cream, then you were right!

READ MORE: Recipe: homemade low-calorie fruit ice cream, ready in 1 minute!

Grilled peaches are a great dessert idea for picnics.
Grilled peaches are a great dessert idea for picnics.

Grilled peaches with ice cream are real dessert to fall down, which you can prepare quite simply. With a few additives, you can turn a peach into a delicacy for the gods! And here is the recipe...

Recipe for Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream:

Ingredients for Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream:

  • peaches
  • walnuts
  • butter
  • brown sugar
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla ice cream

The process of preparing a grilled peach with ice cream:
First, mix walnuts, butter, brown sugar and cinnamon over high heat. Coat the peaches that you cut in half with this. Then place the peaches on the grill and cook for 4-6 minutes on each side. Finally, put a scoop of ice cream on each half and pour the rest of the walnut "sauce" over it. Have a good run!

Video recipe for grilled peaches with ice cream:

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