
Recipe: simple no-bake chocolate pralines

Recipe for simple chocolate pralines

This is the best recipe for simple, no-bake chocolate pralines that you won't be able to stop drooling over.

Baking sweets it's not for everyone, but every exception proves the rule. Simple chocolate pralines even such an illiterate cook can prepare. And you don't even have to turn on the oven for them!

This is the simplest recipe for chocolate pralines.
This is the simplest recipe for chocolate pralines.


  • 50 g of butter
  • 150 g of grated chocolate (+ a few pieces)
  • 1 bag of chocolate pudding
  • rum essence
  • 20 g of chocolate
  • chocolate chips/cocoa


First, let's melt the butter. Then stir in grated chocolate, rum essence and pudding powder. Mix until a homogeneous mixture is formed, add a few small pieces of chocolate and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then form balls from the mixture, which are then rolled in crumbs or cocoa. We serve them in paper baskets, but before that we put them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Have a good run!

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