
Recipe: Nutella ice cream balls

Creamy ice cream balls from Nutella are the perfect icy dessert that refreshes us on hot summer days. Their preparation is so easy and fast that the result is undoubtedly excellent. All we need to make Nutella ice cream lights are just the models for the lights and some ingredients like delicious Nutella.

In that recipe for ice cream lights we will not use fruit but Nutella, which will make the lights much more creamy. To prepare three creamy ice cream lights we need the following ingredients.

Ingredients for Nutella ice cream lights:

  • 1 pot of Mascarpone cream
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 3 tablespoons of Nutella

Preparation of Nutella ice cream lights:

Put all the ingredients in a mixer or blender and mix everything together until you get a completely mixed smooth mass. Now we can spread the mass into the molds for ice cream lights and freeze them for at least a few hours. The lights stay creamy and are also great for a garden party or birthday party. Have a good run!

Delicious creamy lights from Nutella.
Delicious creamy lights from Nutella.

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