
Robot strippers: when electronics meets erotica

Robotization has recently covered all areas of our lives. Still, it sounds pretty strange that strippers would be out-worked by robots. You read that right - this is also expected to happen soon.

The Las Vegas night club has introduced a special innovation in its premises. From now on, their customers will be entertained robot strippers, which were also presented at the fair CES 2018. The club is called Sapphire Las Vegas, and their two stripteases also got names, namely #r2doubled and #triplecpu.

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Sex robots have sparked many debates about human morality in recent years. In contrast to the puppets we have known in the past, they are Las Vegas strippers without a face, and at the same time they show off their own electronic core with wires and cameras.

He created striptease Giles Walker, who hopes his product will overcome the critics and gain a firm foothold in the sex industry.

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More information:
sapphirelasvegas.com and gileswalker.org

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